Thursday, 26 January 2012

Ch131 Alternative 1 - Movie2k

Ok so the first post about sites like ch131 I'll be doing will be focusing on a fairly popular website called movie2k.

Like most free TV shows and Movie Sites, movie2k has changed its domain name extension around 400 times.

It can now be found at either the .to or the .asia

Admittedly I was at first not very impressed with the ch131 layout thinking it something from the 90's that someone had made in notepad.

But I came to enjoy channel 131's simple navigation, the fact that it uploads shows as soon as they air on normal television and that it hosts the shows itself...strange they haven't been shut down...

But speaking of being shut down. Ch131 is always going offline and this is why I am starting a blog of worthy alternatives..

My verdict of is not a worthy substitute for ch 131.

The site is rather a clutter for one, here is a screenshot:

As you can see, they have got plenty of social button likes and according to google insights for search the site is still extremely popular.

Which has me scratching my head and asking why??? There are plenty of better site.

For an example of how annoying the site is...I challenge you to do a search for Breaking Bad and attempt to watch season 3 episode 4...good luck.

After you have finally figured out how the darn thing works. You will have realized that there are in links to the episode, and that goes for a lot of other popular shows as well.

So I think its back to ch131 for me...

The search continues

1 comment:

  1. Great i was wonndering Sites Like Ch131 for Watching Movies Online and found your article which helped me alot to choosing the right sites.
