Thursday, 26 January 2012

Ch131 Alternative 2 - Alluc Dot Org

Continuing on with my sites like ch131 list we have This site has been around for ages...and is apparently immune to the fate that has struck many a free tv show site.

Alluc is a bit of a where near as bad as movie2k however--but not as good as channel 131 either.

Also...Alluc dot org is a complete fail to watch TV shows online. I did my trust search for breaking bad and it turned up nothing..nudda..zilch..not a thing.

Except a "sponsered link".

More over, when this site does come up with some links for a show they are all over the place and really weird. For example, when looking for Dexter it turns up this:

I don't why it is so hard for them to just categorize things simply like ch131..the site might not look great but at least it is functional.

Needless to say. I am scraping this one from the list.

Next up...TVDuck

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